c. rehabilitation c. sometimes Determine whether it would be appropriate for the Federal Reserve to increase or c. guilty. The Federal Bureau of Prisons was created within ________. c. gang tensions c. minimum security b. misunderstandings b. >>Judgment a. Nearly _________ of those in jail have a history of mental problem. The "congregate" system of prison discipline was first institution at the __________. The rate of confirmed AIDS cases in state and federal prisons is __________ in the total U.S. population. The design of most women's prisons is the: They include wider nets, stronger nets, and _______. d. forgotten offenders.
Prisons designed to hold the "toughest of the tough" are called ______. $100,000 | it is inadequate for a large number of clients. c. men. a. retribution Like all other government services, corrections is constantly confronted by frequently shifting _________ forces that further complicate administration. Americans have traditionally tended to equate which of the following most with punishment? d. Women's Prisoner Improvement Society, Which of the following is an advantage to the families formed by female inmates? The majority of offenses committed by developmentally disabled people are classified as _________ or public order crimes. a. women. Suppose that we will randomly select a sample of nnn elements from a population and that we will compute the sample proportion p^\hat{p}p^ of these elements that fall into a category of interest. d. created interest in the operations of the modern prison among the general public. a. lower class Courts and Legal Procedure | a. increased acceptance by prison officials The __________ model was dominant in the 1960s and early 1970s. In which part of the correctional system's work does correctional staff not have a regular part? a. secure. Mass closings of public hospitals for the mentally ill began in the: b. women's sentences are generally short. Challenging jurors for A majority of imprisoned veterans are incarcerated for _______ offenses. In 2014, Virginia judges using the tool sent nearly half of those defendants to alternatives to prison, according to a state sentencing commission report. One key method shown to prevent AIDS transmission is through _________. The right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment is found is which Amendment? __________ is an institutional for the incarceration of people convicted of crimes, usually felonies. d. all men, The term ___________ refers to programs which educate gang members and eventually encourage them to renounce their gang membership. a. fragile offenders. b. function. Because intermediate sanctions rely on discretion there is an opportunity for: The concept of community corrections is best understood as a goal. c. exceeds that of men. >>Discovery b. scare tactics.
c. it is inadequate for a large number of offenders. c. increased prestige within the inmate social system In 1973, the prison incarcerations rate was _________. 60 to 70 percent The ________ was a penitentiary system developed in Pennsylvania in which each prison resident was held in isolation from other prison residents. When compared to men, the offenses women commit are usually New alternative programs are filled with people who formerly would have been placed _____. >>Selecting the Jury c. supervision intensive program a. __________ is a system of government in which power and responsibility are divided between a national government and state governments. a. was able to achieve limited success. Which of the following is NOT an alternative to litigation by people in prison? c. spawned a great deal of humanitarian reform in the eyes of the public. Cost of goods sold | to their employees. d. less programming. The reformatory movement emphasized education and ______, and on the basis of an incarcerated person's successful participation in both could conceivably earn him or her early release. During the colonial period, most Americans lived under laws and practices transferred from _____ and adapted to local conditions.
Many clients cannot be effectively dealt with by the formal criminal justice system. c. treatment. Prior to the 1960s, courts maintained a(n) __________ with respect to corrections. managing the correctional organization; working with offenders. to make sure those accused of a crime would show up for their trials. One of the limitations of the use of probation is that _______. c. transfer to another prison. Over ______ dollars in fines in collected annually in the United States. a. chivalrous In which year did the US government announce that for the first time in more than 30 years, the corrections system, including prisons, held fewer people than the year before? >>Jurisdiction and Venue Rehabilitating people who had committed crimes. Inside women's facilities there has been a recent escalation of: Someone convicted of ______ is very likely to be the target of threats, violence, and hostility while incarcerated. d. misdemeanants. The mentally ill b. the removal of educational and recreational amenities from prisons. A steel tariff increases the price of steel. c. not given corporal punishment as men were. African Americans are ___________ times more likely to be in prison than whites. b. _______ of those convicted receive a community sentence such as a fine or probation. During the Progressive Reform era, two main correctional strategies were implemented, which were improving conditions in social environments and _______. a. The increase in the number of women in prison has: c. Glover v. Johnson Which case first allowed people in prison to sue state officials fro brutality, inadequate medical care and nutrition, theft of personal property, and the denial of basic rights? 18,000 Webjudicial discretion. According to Sykes, the greater the degree of solidarity among inmates within the inmate social system, the: Judges may deviate from the sentencing guidelines if aggravating or _________ circumstances exist. Regaining custody of children Judicial discretion refers to a judge's power to make a decision based on their individualized evaluation, guided by the principles of law. >>Jurisdiction and Venue In short, the jurors determine the facts and reach a verdict, within the guidelines of the law as determined by the judge. According to sociologists, the "big house" image of the American prison has ________. d. White.
Behaviour outside of the courtroom can also be at issue. d. campus design. In classifying people who committed crimes, correctional crimes, correctional administrators put them into groups based on _______. b. control gambling and extortion within the institution. They relieve the tensions of prison life. c. religion In the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, prisoners demanded their constitutional rights as: b. always Judges and magistrates are sometimes criticised for giving a particular sentence, normally when it is thought to be too short or the wrong type of sentence for the crime. Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic models that account the design of most U.S. prisons? Studies of community service and restitution programs have generally found them vulnerable to _________. The average person incarcerated in federal prison tends to be a white male who has committed a _______ offense. d. housed with men and other prisoners and treated as they were. 250,000 | Correctional leaders have found the best way to weaken prison gangs is to: c. juvenile b. provided us with a deeper understanding of the modern prison. a. penal sanctions. d. there is a relatively small number of women in prison and jail. Which of the following is NOT one of the major reforms created and successfully implemented by the Progressives? The concept of good time is provided to prison residents in certain correctional facilities based on ________. 275,000 | The adaptive role within prison where inmates see the period in prison as a temporary break in their criminal careers is known as: When an inmate views his/her incarceration as a temporary break in their criminal career, their adaptive role is known as: d. 3.7 billion, Probation granted under conditions of strict reporting to a probation officer with a limited caseload is known as: When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. a. three times lower than >>Judgment At present, the focus of corrections has shifted to: >>Jury Deliberations State of Texas Department of Corrections c. style. A major drawback of probation, as traditionally practiced, is that _______. 25 million During the Middle Ages, the ________ in Europe was organized according to the feudal system. Private enterprise has _________ played a role in America corrections. Factors of Western criminal law are all of the following EXCEPT __________. d. local government. b. gleaning. c. integration. With the exception of those working for corporate and nonprofit organizations, correctional personnel are _________. d. 1980s. 10,000 | a. too harsh. Retained earnings | >>Pleadings d. House arrest, Widespread adoption of intermediate sanctions may further exacerbate ________in prison populations? Who argued that crime is normal and that punishment performs the important role in spotlighting social rules and values? Recently, there has been a major emphasis on program to _______ individuals awaiting trial. The concept of community corrections is best understood as a goal to. a. Pennsylvania d. super max. Judges sometimes do sentence below the range, but often seem reluctant to give a sentence far less than what the guidelines recommend. | >>Verdict Almost 60 percent of American's jails ________ clients for at least some of the medical care they receive. c. 1 billion More than two-thirds of people under correctional authority are: The first case recognized by the Supreme Court that recognized incarcerated persons' rights involved a case of _____. The United States has about _______ jails. c. transfer gang members to another institution. If we consider the sampling distribution of p^\hat{p}p^. In prison, gangs are organized primarily to: Many ideas that arose from the Enlightenment fostered the thinking that crime is caused by ______. b. citizens. b. 72,000 | c. Women's Prison Association American have traditionally tended to equate which of the following with punishment? _________ are direct descendants of 12th-century English feudal practices. Net sales | . a. educational The ______ and the Code of Hammurabi are the two earliest-known comprehensive statements regarding what behavior was prohibited and punishable. The _________ refers to an institution intended to isolate incarceration people from society and each other so that they could reflect on their past misdeeds, repent, and undergo reformation. b. less severely the pains of imprisonment are felt. b. Alternative sanctions tend to be designed for: c. prison code. Movement within the continuum of sanctions is contingent upon: c. performance at each level of sentencing accountability. d. Morressey v Brewer. d. the mentally ill. State prisons for men are usually classified according to the level of ______ deemed necessary. b. fewer problems with those prisoners who are known politicians | The Magistrate Judge also sets release conditions, including any bond. a. cliques. Find, to the nearest dollar, the difference in the monthly payments for these two loans. Eastern State Penitentiary was designed by ______. Judges sometimes complain that their sentencing choices are _______. More technical violations occur than with traditional probation. The drug abuser presents ______ problems for corrections. >>Bringing the Charge He or she will note that the jurors are to base their conclusions on the evidence as presented in the trial, and that the opening and closing arguments of the lawyers are not evidence. Some lower court have upheld rules in conflict with the ________ Amendment protections because they were the least restrictive method of dealing with an institutional problem . The Anti-Terrorism Act imposes ________ limit to file a federal habeas petition. Some criminals get away with the crime that they have done. >>Motions WebThis button displays the currently selected search type. a. is well below that of men. The justification for the lack of diverse educational, vocational, and other programs to incarcerated women is that: d. on a par with, Rates of HIV infection are higher in __________ prisoners. 72,000 |
d. an underground economy. Athens expects a useful life of four years for the software and total revenues of $5,000,000\$ 5,000,000$5,000,000 during that time. WebJudges sometimes use curfews and/or exclusion orders as a sentencing option. a. there is not enough money to go around. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} WebJudges sometimes complain that their sentencing choices are: a. indeterminate. A ________ report is prepared by a probation officer, who investigated a convicted person's background to help the judge select an appropriate sentence. >>Sentencing The leasing of prison residents to private entrepreneurs first hold in the _________. Which of the following correctional change can be attributed to the incarcerated persons' rights movement? The Military Commissions Act restricted unlawful enemy combatants rom filing ________ petitions. a. https://quizlet.com/97734104/corrections-ch-9-12-regionals-flash-cards c. police departments. 200,000 | >>Officers of the Court b. too lenient. Studies of non-prison alternatives find that even the most successful programs enroll _________ convicted people who would otherwise have been incarcerated. | 648,000 | c. Wilmington They include wider nets, stronger nets, and __________. Explain what each of these formulas means in your own words. Judges sometimes complain a. jailing. Although the mere act of ___________ is not considered a serious offense, the collateral acts of predatory crime and violence are considered quite serious. 340,000 | b. two third b. place them in protective custody unit. 675 million a. crime control. Judges may use a range of ________________ sanctions from those exerting a low level of control to those exerting a high level of control. In the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, incarcerated people demanded their constitutional rights as _____. d. affiliation. | d. all of these. >>Diagram of How a Income tax expense | overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;} d. 25,000. This is commonly referred to as the judge's Women's Improvement Organization Long-term prison residents are recognized as those who suffer from ______. d. reintegration. >>Cross-examination c. cost. According to the text, corrections can be seen as a series of processes and _________. The Human Side of Being a Judge | a. a. d. camaraderie, Inmates who fall victim to sexual violence while incarcerated tend to be: Pretrial diversion targets mostly what type of offenses? d. ill-advised. b. >>The Jury Pool One of the future needs for intermediate sanctions and community corrections in clarified _______.
To combat ambiguities in classification correctional administration have started using _________. Until 1870 women inmates were generally treated: Courthouses with just two judges sometimes had larger sentencing differences than courthouses WebJudges sometimes complain that their sentencing choices are _____. Responsibility of housing federal pretrial detainees belongs to: c. inmates Money or other compensation is awarded to a plaintiff in a civil action when the person sued has ______ liability. >>The Jury Pool Response to crime was viewed as essentially a private affair prior to the ______ century. The _______ model is created by building a prosocial, self-governing podular-style unit within the jail. WebCommon complaints of ethical misconduct include improper demeanour; failure to properly disqualify when the judge has a conflict of interest; engaging in ex parte communication and failure to execute their judicial duties in a timely fashion. *Steps in a Trial* a. negotiate between gang members. Thus, corrections must vie with other government programs for ________. d. mentally ill. Of the following populations who are the most statistically likely to get in trouble with the law and eventually end up in prison? An amount of money paid to the victims of a crime or to their relatives. Which statement is NOT an argument made in favor or pretrial diversion? >>Rebuttal b. >>Pre-trial Procedures in Civil Cases It is typically employed only against people charged with property crimes. b. a. more violent than in male prisons. d. assimilation. b. more varied programming. c. custodial confinement. c. 10,000 3. The Human Side of Being a Judge | ____________ and death have been used throughout history; the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries in Great Britain and Europe were particular brutal. d. sex. a. freedom. Most correctional offenders today are housed in which types of facilities? a. psychologists b. discriminatory were housed in secure and sanitary conditions. The costs of incarceration are most expensive for _______ clients. d. nonexistent. d. Federal Bureau of Prisons. According to sociologists, the "big house" image of the American prison has: The court can make an order that means you have to be at home at a particular address between certain hours of the day or night. a. ceased to show a limited understanding of the contemporary prison. of ethics you would look for in an As state's deal with severe budgetary problems the future of private prisons is: 950,000 | d. shocked the public. c. 2.5 times higher c. elderly They assist in the socialization of the new inmate. 150,000 | b. determined. c. rehabilitation Review by correctional officials of many of their procedures and organizational structures. a. Bell v Wolfish a. situational offenders. d. none of these. c. reduce crime. The pre-sentence investigation may consider the defendant's prior criminal record, family situation, health, work record, and any other relevant factor. b. like delicate flowers. Evaluations show that those who are sent to boot camp following an offense may improve in ________. 270,000 | 2014 | Proponents of boot camps argue that young offenders get involved in crime because: Corrections systems located only a few miles apart can: Studies of nonprison alternatives find that even the most successful programs enroll _________ offenders who would otherwise have been incarcerated? Prices are low enough for inmates to afford. >>Instructions to the Jury What group(s) is/are affected by the bias that can be present in selecting who receives intermediate sanctions over others? Children of people who have been incarcerated Which of the following does NOT describe local jail officers and staff employed in the United States today? Jeremy Bentham argued that effective punishments prevent ________ in the future. Which of the following is NOT one of the elements of punishment according to Herbert Packer? Corrections is a means of social __________. The sociological theory known as the "subculture of violence" argues that violence is primarily found in the __________ subculture. a. never A system where jail operations are funded by a set amount paid for each person held per day is __________. >>Diagram of How a Case Moves Through the Courts c. Montana The American penitentiary was first conceptualized by _________. Men a. diverse programming. b. more voluntary than in male prisons. d. custodial, Some Prisons are operated under the direction of: d. Gang, Each year approximately ___________ correctional staff members are assaulted by inmates. It's time to renew your membership and keep access to free CLE, valuable publications and more. Which of the following is NOT one of four general types of community corrections control strategies used in the United States? Which Amendment addresses incarcerated people's rights as they pertain to religious practices? b. Punishment designed to repair damage to both victim and community is considered _________. The judge will either grant or deny the motion. Correctional systems learn, grow, and improve according to what? In Cooper v. Pate (1964), the Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights of 1871 imposes ________ on any person who deprives another of constitutional rights. Technological feasibility was established on February 28, 2019, and the program was available for release on April 30, 2019. Legislature concerned with the correctional goal of treatment usually prescribe a(n) _________. One of the ways a corrections staff member can insulate himself or herself against civil lawsuits is to _______. 266,000 | A far larger portion of correctional budgets goes to institutions for: >>Bail b. correction officer The judge instructs the jury about the relevant laws that should guide its deliberations. (In some jurisdictions, the court may instruct the jury at any time after the close of evidence. This sometimes occurs before closing arguments.) The judge reads the instructions to the jury. Name the 18th-century scholar who applied the rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment to the criminal justice system. The Penitentiary Act was based upon core principles under which incarcerated people were confined in solitary cells and labored silently in common rooms and _____. Which of the following is a reward associated with the jailing lifestyle? Traditionally, women have received ___________ treatment from judges. 58,000 | 2022 American Bar Association, all rights reserved. The authors of the text divide some of the controversies, issues, and themes that arise in the study of corrections into three main areas: upholding social values, ________, and ________. The decision to _______ is a factor influencing the filtering process. | | a. it is too impersonal. Probation granted under conditions of strict reporting to a probation officer with a limited caseload is known as ___________. A philosophical question about private prisons concerns whether _______.
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