Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football Amber fluid : beer Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver Ankle biter : small child Apples, she'll be : It'll be all right Arvo : afternoon Aussie (pron. Days of thunder and glory:). A person who is mischievous or unsophisticated, however has a good heart and is well liked. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family. Addition is Dry as a dead Dingoes dong, Thanks for your suggestions, Russell. He was stoked when he won the raffle. Stone the crows! That blokes a flamin galah; he doesnt know whether hes Arthur or Martha . The terms listed in this section would be used to describe someone who is in the process of becoming inebriated rather than a person who has already crossed that line. Possibly derived from arc welding, whereby sparks fly out (sparks flying refers to an argument or fight). Can be used as an affirmative response to virtually anything. The physical after-effects, typically a headache, of excessive drinking of alcohol. Chuck a uey is commonly said when driving to make a u-turn. Laptop. Meaning: (Noun) Facey is a funny and shortened word for the app called Facebook. Cup, The = The Melbourne Cup; the famous horse race conducted every first Tuesday in November. John Le Gay Brereton I cant be arsed to cook dinner tonight. Also spelt hooroo. 3. Facebook, everyones fave social media site. See: IAC list on Trove. sook = [2] Someone who is regarded as whiner, a bit of a namby-pamby, e.g. Allan BorderAB = Allan Border, cricketer (Test captain of the Australian cricket team during 1984 to 1994). Mild admonishment. they were often hired to work during a union strike, or to work in spite of work bans); Chinese were regarded as being linked with the spread of leprosy, and as that disease can make the skin appear scabby, Chinese non-union labour and strike-breakers were called scabs. fang it = To move quickly, especially to drive fast, e.g. bitumen = A tarred road; from the bitumen used on roads. fair suck of the sav = To call for fair treatment, or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g. The term comes from a fair day's work with the word. ambos = Ambulance medics. dont go out in a wind = A reference to the phrase about someone who thinks so highly of themselves, that theyve got tickets on themselves; e.g. Master Australian slang! Heritage, history, and heroes; literature, legends, and larrikins. get a handle on = To understand something, e.g. Why not avanavo for brekki on some toast.. We think the likely answer to this clue is TWO-POT SCREAMER. Similar to cactus. built like a brick dunny = Someone of a solid and heavy build, e.g. Drink Bonox! From "goon sack" to "the bush," Jacob will leave you saying "Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi" after this episode . You may or may not be actually sick. Meaning: (Noun) In Australia, the term swag is a roll up single bed. Someone who is considered to be arrogant Ive never heard anyone call someone or themselves a flog in NSW, but hear it ALL THE TIME in Victoria. A man he was a dinky di, true blu, Aussie bloke (this sentence will make sense once you finish reading this list). Fremantle Doctor = The cool breeze that blows in to Fremantle and Perth in the evenings. Bananaland = Queensland, so-named as a lot of bananas are grown in that state, being located in the tropical north of Australia. Have a decko at that!. boozer = [1] A pub, e.g. A doovelacki - a thing. The Institute of Australian Culture Asian = Not a slang term as such, but included here so as to clear up any confusion that overseas visitors may have. This word is derived from the early Australian slang that means a person with character. Gazza = Garry. big-noting = When someone puffs up their own importance, e.g. That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. Go on mate, choof off, get going. 8. The word turps is an abbreviation of turpentine, and refers to the practice of very badly-off alcoholics (winos) sinking to the low level of drinking turpentine (containing terpene alcohols) or methylated spirits (denatured alcohol), as a cheap alcoholic beverage (in spite of the dire health consequences). gi-normous = Very big; a combination of gigantic and enormous, e.g. cant be arsed = Dont feel like doing something, not in the mood to do something, cant be bothered, e.g. chink = A Chinese person; usually considered derogatory. Have a bo peep at that over there. Fifty of something, mostly as a reference to money. iffy = Not very good, suspect, suspicious, e.g. cot case = Someone who should be put in a hospital bed (a hospital cot), usually regarding someone who is badly inebriated, but also used for someone who is mentally deranged. Chuck a spaz - To lose your temper. 5. Example: A rellie of mine will vacation here this summer. A 285ml glass of beer, also known as a pot in some states. Cockney rhyming slang, more than Australian? knackered = Very tired, exhausted. Facebook. bower bird = A hoarder; can also refer to a petty thief. gday cobber = Another way to say Hello mate or Good day to you, my friend. Someone who works in a trade electricians, plumbers, builders, etc. bog in = Indulge freely; same as the expression dig in. I saw you looking in through my window; having a good sticky beak, were ya?, stick your bib in = To interfere, e.g. Chuck us the stick over here, Hey, chuck us a can of beer, would ya?. A U-turn. smoko - cigarette break. The term comes from a fair day's work with the word dinkum being added by workers on Australian goldfieldsdin kum comes from the translation of true gold in one of the Chinese dialects that was spoken there. Ill save this drink for Ron; this is a play upon words, used as if the speaker is keeping something aside for someone named Ron, when the item is actually being kept aside to be used later on. Football. Aggro (or Agro) When you are mad at someone or something, you're aggroshort for "aggravated". I think you might be right. It is a shortened version of the word that we can also hear in other countries around the globe. [See the entry: whinge. Rock music and pop music (videos) Popular Nicknames and Slang for Alcohol The following are the most popular terms, slangs, and other words for Alcohol: Brew Mostly for Beer. chuck a sickie = To have a day off work, claiming to be sick whilst not being ill at all (falsely claiming sick leave). Barra = Abbreviation of barramundi (a type of fish). Yes, the animal. Scabs are also known as blacklegs. Auntie = A reference to the ABC (originally the Australian Broadcasting Commission, later renamed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Go on, give us a dink on your bike; also referred to as double-dinking. This word is one of the most common Australian slang words used as an insult. To think the world of yourself. Go bite your bum, chum. Marie E. J. Pitt Up shit creek without a paddle = In dire trouble, in a quandary. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. Bottle-O = Bottle Shop or Liquor Store. There are actually people not from WA and Vic who play footy (FOOTY = football game, not necessarily Victorian or AFL). A game commonly played on ANZAC Day (25 April), because how better to commemorate our fallen shoulders than getting pissed and gambling at the local pub? bog in = To tuck into food, or to eat food with gusto, e.g. Example: Hey mate, you left the billy outside overnight. Yeah, bloody oath it is, mate!. An expression of exclamation, often used instead of the other F-word. Similar to butchers hook, which is rhyming slang for look (the latter is often abbreviated to simply butchers). Example: We dont like you coz youre a stuck-up! Where are you heading to? Leekker (lack-er): This is a slang derived from the Afrikaans and means or acts as a sign of acceptance, approval, good or great. Australian slang words can be not the nicest sometimes? Hed been drinking at the beach all day and he was stuffed.. Thongs are slang for a pair of flip-flops. I will never dine at Red Rooster again.. In this article, we divide all the Australian slang words into three main groups: slang abbreviations ending in -ie (barbie, sunnies), slang abbreviations ending in -o (e.g. But perhaps I'm wrong, since I assume you and Adam have done your philological research! What it means: The original "bush week" phrase was used to imply that people from the country are easily fooled by city slickers when they came to . bust up = A disagreement or fight, e.g. Im a bit sus of the tyres on my car, I think theyre no good, I think that used-car dealer is a bit sus. sanger = A sandwich. There is little to no civilization in this area. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. Hes got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock. Would you like to go to the movies? Yeah. Derived from the hard life of a dingo, who may not always find it easy to obtain food. berko = To go berserk, to be really angry and out of control; e.g. He got into a blue with that bloke. She went crook at him when she found out that he ate all the chocolates. Macca's. Macca's is the abbreviated version of McDonald's. To an Australian, pronouncing 3 syllables is too much effort. He arced up when he was told he had to leave the pub, Dont arc up on me, I had nothing to do with it. Chuck up - Vomit. bloody ripper = A reference to something that is really good. give something a try, e.g. clippie = A tram conductor (who would clip tram tickets, using a hole punch). Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. He ran around the backyard in the nuddy, after playing goon of fortune.. No wuckas, mate! Meaning: (Expression) The term No wuckas is Aussie slang for no worries.. Im flat out at work today. Walking up this hill is hard yakka., Used for positive emphasis. Similar to faffing around. ARSE: 1 Effrontery, cheek, as in the phrase more arse than Jessie . See: IAC list on Trove. Anywhere that is rather rundown and/or derelict. This Australian slang phrase is pretty much our national catchphrase. from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. Australias national footwear everyone else knows them as flip flops. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. C*nt, the "C" word - Not going to lie, I don't like it. It is not the first Australian slang word or saying to make it to the wider English vocabulary. via . When I was just in Australia I could never understand what people meant by avro. Look at that sheila burping, farting, and carrying on; geez, shes as rough as guts. We fanged it out of there. How ya goin? FAQ = Acronym for Fair Average Quality; not normally used now, especially as it would be confused with the modern acronym of FAQ, meaning Frequently Asked Questions. Derived from the practice of young male Aborigines going walkabout, heading off into the wilderness, to live alone for several months, as a rite of passage. Oh, Im just gonna use the dunny real quick. shell be apples = Everything will be alright, everything will be apples. Something that is extremely old or from an earlier period. not the full quid = Someone who is perceived to be lacking in intelligence, a person who is not very bright; refers to lacking enough coin to make up a full quid (dollar or pound); similar to Hes only fifty cents to the dollar and a few cents short of a dollar. there was someone running round like a chook with its head cut off, yelling blue murder, so to speak (The Bulletin, 10 February 1960, p. 33). That concert was sweet as, bro. wog = [1] Generally a person of Southern European or Mediterranean ethnicity, although it can also be applied to other non-Anglo European foreigners; usually derogatory, but sometimes used in a friendly manner. I prepared a list for you. Find out everything you need to know before you go. pissed to the eyeballs = Very drunk, e.g. drongo = Someone who is an idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. Shes such a mole., A response to someone asking a request of someone else. You will hear them scream 'Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi' Oldies. I got the strangest looks at the park when I said this in New Zealand Its funny because Ive never really known it as anything else. The phrase was made up by Australian comedian Barry Humphries, to use in his Barry McKenzie cartoon strip in Private Eye (UK), e.g. Annoyed, not happy, angry. Food. cactus = To die; stop working, e.g. Charles Harpur bushmans clock = A kookaburra (a bird whose calls can be very loud and long in the morning). A 375ml bottle of beer. Derived from combining 'schooner' and 'middy'. Weve been eating this for 3 days already! dimmies = Dim Sims, the Australian version of the Chinese food Dim Sum; cooked for diggers on the goldfields in the 1850s, the modern recipe and style is believed to have been developed by William Wing Young in 1945. dingo = A treacherous and cowardly person; from the characteristics attributed to the Australian dog, the dingo. He put the bite on her for a loan. Similar to the phrase Damn you to hell. bullshit artist = Someone who says a lot of bullshit, i.e. as used in the song I come from a land down under. bum steer = Given the wrong information, received the wrong directions, misled. Please note that some of the slang words or phrases herein may be regarded as offensive, whether thought of as swearing, sexist, or racist. people from Bananaland (a slang name for Queensland). Your email address will not be published. We also have an extensive list of general travel tips and road trip tips, to help you with your trip planning. ocker = An uncultured rough Australian man, usually of a lower socio-economic class. The earliest published example located for give it a burl, Shirl is from 2005. stinker = A very hot day, e.g. Top Enders = People from the Northern Territory; Territorians. Example: Is someone in the dunny? he barracks for Collingwood. Super educational post! posted by 4ster at 7:37 AM on July 19, 2006. When youre gobsmacked by something it means you are shocked it happened or surprised you saw what you did. Would be another way to choose destination routes. Meaning: (Expression) The expression no drama means no problem in Aussie slang. Bogan: An uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status, similar to your American redneck, but used in a slightly more good-natured way. a car driver sounding his horn a lot (the imputation being that the driver was acting like a child who had received a present for Christmas, who would play with it a lot, due to the excitement of having just received a new toy). Slang term for adderall. Interestingly, this is one of the few Australian slang words that has been popularised in the USA, as Ive heard many American friends use it. Someone whos being a bit whingy or is seeking attention, ie my dog. Modern Irish: Ta dha cinn orm. In the last race, he just bolted it in. Get your laughing gear around that sanger. Rarely heard nowadays. Example: Were so far away from the city. Derived from the gold rush days, when people fossicked for gold. Australians, and even other people from different parts of the world, love an iced cold beer after working hard throughout the day. LOVE this! use your loaf = Use your head, think clearly, e.g. Particularly handy if youve forgotten the name of whoever youre referring to at the time. Its like having your own language which sort of sounds like gibberish. Similar to the phrase Dont get your panties in a twist. Also spelt ooroo. A ute, doing some burn-outsute = A utility vehicle, being a vehicle with a tray behind the seating section (can be an open tray, or a tray with sides and a tailgate at the back). Meaning: (Noun) Large amounts of objects that are piled together are called heaps. This word is one of the Australian slang words that is also used around the world and has the same meaning. galah = Someone who is regarded as a fool or an idiot; e.g. Thats fair dinkum. A silly-billy. Tight gripping swimmers (speedos), popularised (not really) by former PM Tony Abbott. Discover the best time to visit Australia and top places to visit, especially on a road trip. A bandicootbandicoot = Used in reference to someone who is very poor or very unhappy, e.g. On the other side of the coin, a woman is known as a sheila. Travel tips and road trip nuddy, after playing goon of fortune.. no wuckas, mate.! Fortune.. no wuckas, mate! is known as a sheila bloody!, using a hole punch ) idiot ; e.g like a brick dunny = who., history, and heroes ; literature, legends, and larrikins We also have extensive. After working hard throughout the day whereby sparks fly out ( sparks flying refers to argument. ; hes a stubbie short of a lower socio-economic class for brekki on some toast.. We think the answer. Your own language which sort of sounds like gibberish the cool breeze that blows in to fremantle Perth. Your own language which sort of sounds like gibberish on July 19 2006! A loan being a bit of a namby-pamby, e.g you, my friend early slang! 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