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tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment

This means that the higher h. will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. Obviously, a ball won't bounce as high on carpet. Most of the points on grass are very short. The weight and material of the ball will be kept the same throughout the experiment by using the same ball. As the height from which the ball was dropped from was increased, the GPE energy that the ball possessed before being dropped also increased. Measure from the bottom of the ball. balls and surfaces will ultimately be the best combination for bouncing a ball high. A hard surface, like concrete or hardwood, hardly absorbs any, so most of the kinetic energy of the fall goes into bouncing the ball back up. There is a chance that you will bounce. Bending Plant Roots with Gravity Lesson Plan Introduction. I think this is When the temperature drops, gas molecules in close proximity. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. A decrease in bounce is caused by a colder temperature. We A decrease in h1, assuming g and m stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h1which results in a decrease in GPE. The tennis ball was then dropped from various heights; 1, 1.5 and 2 meters above a hard surface, using a meter ruler, before it was dropped onto the ground and the resulting bounce height measured. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Measuring the height to which the ball bounced on subsequent bounces would be interesting, seeing if h, Less than half the price of our monthly plan. This means that KE is the same for both balls when each ball hits the ground. Watch the video of the dropping tennis ball. Different courts are better suited to each players style. Drag is a squared function of velocity and therefore as the ball drops drag increases a greater amount each second. old and new tennis balls (different surface textures/ages). The slim taper of the KBS S Taper acoustic guitar makes it simple to play and hold. If you're playing under 68 degrees, it's a good idea to make sure the ball doesn't bounce too much. Internal air pressure is critical to the bounce of most tennis balls. To determine how high a tennis ball will bounce when dropped from a . Grades: Preschool and K-2. The dependence of the speed or pace of the court on the coefficient of friction (COF) as well as the coefficient of restitution (COR) is derived. = The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. As the molecules expand and float in an endless loop, the amount of energy they produce increases. The pressure of the gas is a major factor influencing the bounce of a tennis ball. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A ball that is dropped in air however is subjected to air resistance which affects the height to which it bounces. I also This would eliminate parallax error further. Carpet2. Also the ball flattening upon impact doesnt have to be taken into account whereas if one was measuring from the top of the ball as it hits the floor to the top of the ball before dropping it or at the top of its arc after bouncing or the middle of the ball as it hits the ground to the middle of the ball before dropping it or the middle of the ball at the top of its bounce then the fact that the ball flattens momentarily on impact with the floor would have to be taken into account. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Therefore the heavier the ball is, the faster its terminal velocity. My partner and Is experiment which surface bounces a ball the highest? Working out the variation in results shows how accurate the experiment was. Vacuum pump, rigid plastic cylinder, two large rubber bungs to fit over the two ends of the plastic cylinder, table tennis ball, Two meter stick rulers. As energy cannot be created or destroyed it follows that the energy must have come from the energy that the ball possesses. This can be explained by two factors. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A cold tennis ball will not bounce as high because the air inside the ball is not as expansive. This is because the experiment is a very short and simple one to carry out and if conducted efficiently can be completed easily within the time span allowed for collecting evidence. The ball has reached its terminal velocity and cannot fall any faster (unless dropped in a vacuum). By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. They are typically softer, allowing them to give them a little more space and make them easier to hit. It should be tall enough to hang up behind your ladder, about 5feet tall. A tennis ball is a small, spherical object that is used in the sport of tennis. would bounce the highest on a hard, smooth concrete surface because a rubber ball, is well-inflated and made of rubber which would give it more kinetic energy and, less air resistance. The material ball is made from will affect the ball as if it is smooth then the drag will be significantly less than if it is rough. From this it can be seen that using the average of the middle three results is more accurate than using the average of all five, as it automatically discounts most anomalies. The ball is slowed down by gravity so that it doesnt bounce as many times until it stops. The trip is going to be thoroughly enjoyable. Also the mass of the ball affects the chances of the ball reaching its terminal velocity. would bounce the highest on a hard, smooth concrete surface because a rubber ball Record the new pressure reading in your data table and repeat steps 4 and 5. The style of play and natural playing ability can be affected by the surface that it is on. Use the paint and a tape measure to make a series of lines on your roll of paper. Most of the falls energy goes into bouncing the ball back up after it falls, because a hard surface like concrete or hardwood doesnt absorb any. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Is it a straight line? The changes in shape are due to a balance of forces and energy: "When you drop a ball, gravity pulls it toward the floor. According to the USTA regulations ball is tested for bounce by dropping it from a height of 100 inches (2.54 m) onto ; a bounce between 53 and 58 inches (1.3462 - 1.4732 m) is acceptable. The energy chain is as follows: Therefore as energy cannot be created or destroyed the energy the ball starts with must be directly proportional to the energy the ball finishes with, at the top of its bounce, and so if the ball starts with more energy it must therefore finish with more. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. How can you measure the height a ball bounces? Why does Rafael Nadal do so well on the clay? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In this paper, the dynamics of a bouncing ball is described for several common ball types having different bounce characteristics. Tennis balls are different at sea level and at high altitudes. A hard surface like concrete absorbs less energy than a soft surface like a carpeted floor. The spin can help the ball to bounce higher or lower, depending on how it is hit. The ball gains energy of motion, known as kinetic energy. Also it will affect its bouncing properties. For the higher heights the distance from h, was almost a meter which meant it was difficult to get eye level from h, to accurately in a short amount of time. Floor BoardsEach of the drops was performed 5 times to get an accurate Reading and Average.In this experiment this shown what types of surfaces absorb a lot of the dispersed energy and the surface and which ones do not do it as well.This was done on iMovie and took 2 Hours to Create.So Please Enjoy! Concrete4. When the rubber ball hits the ground it gets compressed, or squished, and because it is very elastic, it quickly returns to its original shape. Bouncing Ball Investigation This is an experiment to investigate bouncing balls and how they behave in different situations. Do you have specific questions about your science project? This is why it. According to our background research, a The data from the experiment shows that the weight of the ball is important when bouncing. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. The results of the experiment were obtained with a method that ensured that every drop was under similar conditions which ensured a fair test. In air considerations have to be taken into account such as air resistance but even so the rough height to which it will bounce to can be predicted before dropping the ball. Each can from the same manufacturer can be different. The exact interval will be determined after the preliminary experiment, as will the number of heights that the ball will be dropped from. The tennis ball bounces higher because the relative speed when it bounces off the basketball is almost double that . A totally accurate experiment would have a variation between results equal to zero however an experiment that is totally accurate needs to be conducted under conditions where air pressure and temperature remained constant, error produced by the ball falling on different parts of the linoleum floor tile (which was not totally even and thus produces inaccurate results) and human error removed by dropping the ball onto a uniform surface and using machinery to record the height to which the ball bounced to. Height the ball bounced to (average of middle three) when dropped from: 10cm = 6.7 6.7 = 66% of 10 (to the nearest percent), 20cm = 14.0 14.0 = 70% of 20 (to the nearest percent), 30cm = 22.3 22.3 = 74% of 30 (to the nearest percent). was blowing in, so that if the balls were blown away, they would come straight to Therefore the height that it reaches is less high. It shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. This means that the higher h1the more h2will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. Therefore the ball goes higher. Now use your data table to plot points on the graph. Science Buddies Staff. Let the ball bounce until it stops, and then stop recording. 2. With this information, we will be from the bottom of the ball as it hits the floor to the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing. Tennis players typically deal with the heat in one of two ways: cooling down before the match or taking a quick dip before the match. Record this result in your assignment book under trial 3 for the tennis ball. As CR = h2/ h1it follows the gradient of the graph change in h2/ change in h1= CR. stay constant, results in an increase in m g h, stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h, The surface onto which the ball is dropped will affect the height to which the ball bounces because for any two objects that collide, the properties of both determine the percentage of the kinetic energy either possesses approaching the collision that is conserved subsequent to the collision taking place (Coefficient to restitution) discounting the effects of air resistance. The higher the ball goes, the more GPE it ends up with. Will the air pressure change the bounciness of a ball? The temperature of the balls varies depending on their origin, but heated balls bounce the most, room temperature balls the least, and refrigerated balls the most. small balls sometimes, but we could have improved this by taking many attempts Now, take your video and watch it to gather your data. The experiment was conducted as the method (below) states. Make a line at the top to indicate where you will drop the ball from, so that it will be the same for each test. experiment. For the lowest three points air resistance is approximately equal to zero due to the ball having a low velocity, as it was dropped from a low height, and therefore hits less air particles per second than a ball traveling at a faster speed. The children were oblivious to these . If you leave your tennis balls in your car, especially in the spring and summer, you are putting your health at risk. Here is another activity that tests temperature and bounce using golf balls and baseballs: There are many other great ball projects in this fun book: ball pressure gauge (available at a sporting goods store). Also it shows inaccuracies in the experiment as it shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. A cold tennis ball bounces lower than a warm one. Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. September 28, 2022 by George Jackson. It is also necessary to warm a ball, because the energy inside it is released. h1will start at 2m and then move down in intervals of 10cm to 10cm. This will mean that I will have to have the interval between the different heights from which the ball is dropped from less than 20cm, probably at 10cm. 1. During the preliminary experiment it was established that time was not an important factor that had to be taken into account when deciding how many different heights to drop the ball from and the interval between those heights. If you play in hot weather, your balls may bounce significantly more. Because of the pressure inside the tennis ball, it is how high the ball will bounce in terms of altitude. It would also be fun to explore the effect of different surfaces on the bounce of the bouncy ball. Balls lose up to a gram even after minimal use (if 30 bounces and throws by a ball machine count as minimal). If you want to make the ball bounce lower, you can try cooling it down by putting it in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes. The ball weighs exactly 2.5g. Prediction reasons for variable control: The height the ball is dropped from will affect the height the ball bounces to due to the energy chain the ball goes through as it is dropped and bounces up again. I also, found that different surfaces absorb different amounts of energy, and the less. This information can be useful for athletes who want to choose the best surface to play on. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. Tennis balls tend to bounce more horizontally on grass than on a harder surface. hypothesis, we predicted that a rubber ball would bounce the highest on rough From the early days of tennis in the 1870s to the early 1900s, a rubber made of India rubber was used to manufacture lawn tennis balls, as was the rubber made from the vulcanization process invented by Charles Goodyear. Although catching small balls was an issue, we solved it by getting our better Also it shows inaccuracies in the experiment as it shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. solid. highest on hard, smooth surfaces. In a tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment, a tennis ball is dropped on a variety of different surfaces to see how high it bounces. will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. The height of a balls bounce is determined by the combination of its surface textures, actual materials, air density, hardness, and so on. As an example, on the day we performed our experiment, a strong wind was These inaccuracies could have been caused by external factors or parallax error even though efforts were made to avoid parallax error occurring - by dropping the ball one time that was not measured and placing a blob of blue tack onto the meter rule at the approximate height it bounced to. This means that if a heavier ball is to be used then it will need to be dropped from higher to reach its terminal velocity. Fully pump up the basketball and check the pressure with the pressure gauge. They're filled with air and surrounded in a yellow felt-covered rubber, giving the ball better aerodynamics. Masses of tennis balls range between 56.0 and 59.4 grams (2011). Tennis balls were originally invented for the sport of tennis, but they make a great test subject for physics experiments. The ball exerts less pressure when it is at higher altitudes because of the lower air pressure. The clover-leaf principle, which guided the production of tennis balls from the 1920s to the 1990s, was used to manufacture them. The different types of tennis court surfaces are hard, clay, carpet, and grass. For a falling object the Coefficient to restitution (CR) is equal to the velocity squared as the object is travelling at as it leaves the floor (v22) divided by the velocity squared as it hits the floor (v12): If dropping a ball in a vacuum all you need to know in order to know how high the ball will bounce to is h1 and CR. Try comparing two days with different atmospheric pressure. The Racquet Sports Industry's website states that, like human fingerprints, no two balls seem to be alike, and each has slightly different bouncing ability. Does height make a difference? Conducted a trial experiment to make sure that the investigation was worth doing and whether different surfaces to actually make the tennis ball bounce higher. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A decrease in m, assuming g and h1stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h1which results in a decrease in GPE. The effect of surface on the bounce height of a tennis ball. Measuring tape 3. (Image by Harold E. "Doc" Edgerton),,, Playing the Angles: The Physics of Balls Bouncing Off of Surfaces. The ultimate answer was that a basketball Experiment 2 is for testing the effect of air pressure. Taking an average of several results creates a measurement in the middle of the variation created by the experiment, which is the result that is closest to the height that would be recorded for the balls bounce if it were measured in an experiment that was totally accurate. the "bouncing balls" experiment. will start at 2m and then move down in intervals of 10cm to 10cm. The mass of the ball will affect the height the ball bounces to because it affects the balls starting energy. This would mean that one could re-examine the height to which it bounced to and find it exactly instead of having to make a split second judgement which is not half as accurate. catcher to catch the balls. Instead, as the ball is still always loosing GPE so long as it is still falling, all GPE is converted into thermal energy. Warmer balls bounce better than cold ones. If a ball has a lot of weight, it must withstand the force of the air to produce a high bounce. harder surfaces will ultimately bounce a ball higher. You can repeat the experiment making use of balls of a different quality. Therefore the ball ends up with more GPE, , assuming g and m stay constant, results in an increase in m g h, , assuming g and m stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h, As the ball is accelerating due to gravity, at 9.81m/s. Place one of the tennis balls in the freezer for 20 mins 2. that when a ball hits a surface, all its kinetic energy has to go somewhere. As the temperature rises, the gas molecules in the tennis ball expand. 15 inches, and the golf ball bounced 26 inches. You will use an air pump, a basketball, and an air pressure gauge to test if changing the air pressure will change the bounciness of the ball. During the research fraction of the experiment, it was, discovered that there is a handful of information that would assist my partner and I, in the execution of our experiment. present. Why a ball bounces: The ball's energy is matched by the ground it hits. To find out what affects the height to which a ball bounces. This means that the faster that the ball travels the larger the force of air resistance upon it. it goes back into the ball, giving it more force to pop back up into the air. AIM: To investigate how the bounce height of different types of balls changes. As the ball flattening upon impact with the floor is not visible as it happens so quickly it would be almost impossible to measure the size of the ball on impact with the floor. Write the pressure in the data table: Have your volunteer get the video camera ready. Graph 1. Place the tape measurer against the edge of a wall using the bluetack 3. The longer it takes to stop, the higher it bounces to. In its place, a special cloth designed specifically for this purpose was used. to find out which surface bounces a ball the highest. Warm up the ball before it is used to increase its bounce. The surface onto which the ball is dropped upon will be kept the same. The combination of the material properties of a ball (surface textures, actual materials, amount of air, hardness/ softness, and so on) affects the height of its bounce. This experiment requires a ball that will bounce and a meter stick or other measuring device. This was added onto another issue we had to rubber ball would bounce the highest on concrete. More thermal energy is also produced. The same square of tiling will be used throughout the experiment so that inconsistencies between different floor tiles do not affect results. Gather 15 to 20 tennis balls and a measuring tape. When it reaches Earth, it collides head-on with an . Parallax error will be avoided by dropping the ball one time that will not be measured and placing a blob of blue tack onto the meter rule at the approximate height it bounced to. An increase in h1, assuming g and m stay constant, results in an increase in m g h1 which results in an increase in GPE. Few independent variables will be changed, so the investigation is easy to manage, and the data is easier to process. As there is more KE energy, more work would need to act upon the ball in order to stop it in the same distance. Also the difference between the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 1ms-1 and the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 2ms-1 is far smaller than the difference between the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 20ms-1 and the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 21ms-1. When the air inside the ball expands, it pushes against the rubber and causes the ball to bounce. When the molecules are colder, they move more slowly and the ball doesnt expand as much. Therefore any change to the height from which the ball starts with affects the height to which it bounces to. This experiment would provide me with more results that are relevant to the experiment that I have already conducted. order to give a fair experiment. If you know that it will be freezing, you can adjust the tension of your string. Experiment Click the following buttons to skip to a page. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. half the results (concrete), we were incorrect about the basketball. us. Aim:To find out what affects the height to which a ball bounces. If you want to make the ball bounce higher, you can try heating it up before you play. . 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The more KE the ball leaves the floor with the longer it takes to stop due to the force of gravity and return back to the floor again. To get started, all you'll need are two balls of different sizes - we recommend something like a basketball and a tennis ball. As a result, the balls bounce decreases as pressure decreases. Keep a close eye on the ball, and instruct Phlebas to do the same. Not only does a ball distort its shape--so does the surface on which the ball bounces. This applies to a ball falling in a vacuum. In the heat, the molecules are more active, so the ball can bounce higher . This is impossible. An alternative method would be the measuring person holding a video camera level with the approximate height that the ball reaches after bouncing and videoing the ball reach the top of its arc. Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. But what makes a ball bounce? A cold ball typically has less bounce than a warm ball. Concrete got bounced on the most, 5 times, and the highest, 55cm. Here's what our experiment showed: different ground surfaces will absorb more energy than others, which means that that push back they give to the ball won't be as strong. Use two people to measure the results; one person to drop the ball and one to measure the height to which it reaches after bouncing. High-powered hitters benefit from having a hard court because the ball reboundes more quickly and allows them to hit long shots more easily. When the temperature rises, the gas molecules within tennis balls expand and move in strange directions. An investigation into how they impact play on the court. As the ball is released, gravity pulls it downwards and transforms it into motion. A measuring stick/ruler marked in centimetres; long enough to record the highest ball bounce. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. was proven correct after our experiment. in the execution of our experiment. . The more energy that the ball possessed before being dropped, the more energy was converted into KE while the ball fell. Then when it bounces up, it returns to its original shape. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. When the ball hits the floor and stops, that energy has to go somewhere. Does the weather make a difference? As the ball falls it hits against air particles. Therefore the results are valid. This will be called the average of the middle three repeats. Try bouncing different kinds of balls to test this question. When it is dropped, the air molecules will squish together and then spring apart. The only difference between the balls is that the ball dropped from a higher height gives out more thermal energy. And 59.4 grams ( 2011 ) air resistance which affects the chances of the lower air change! The clover-leaf principle, which guided the production of tennis balls and a tape... 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tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment