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does fiber optic internet cause cancer

I have recently been having breathing issues where I feel the need to randomly take DEEP INHALES like I am short on air even though Im breathing fine. So, this is an area of which I need to be EXTREMELY careful! I found this article because for some time Ive been having this buzzing and zapping and even running my hand across my face is like running my hand along an electrical current. Is there a single, hand-held device made that can measure all of this harmful radiation, Wifi & VHFs (30-300 MHz) included? You will be able to control the EMF exposures in your home more easily if every copper wire is not radiating EMI. It will reduce the electric fields and EMI coming to your computer (steps 2-4 are what you need to do): When working with Spectrum/Charter, you can buy your own non-WiFi Arris modem model TM1602A: That will keep things from turning back on. This inadvertent EMI then piggybacks on the copper cable and phone lines into our homes where it can radiate from every copper wire. As always, a collected analysis. . This is a problem for me too when the computer is connected to the internet (even on ethernet), I get symptoms. The two primary sources of EMI from high-speed internet service are the fiber optic converters at the street and the cable modem within your home. In a 2015 animal study, exposure to Wi-Fi altered the heart rhythm and blood pressure in rabbits. Most people are focused on RF, which is indeed a big issue (5G, WiFi, smart meters, etc). Im still a bit confused, though. Read this: Im looking forward to reading more of your articles. David Kozono, MD, PhD, is a board certified radiation oncologist who specializes in the treatment of thoracic malignancies including lung cancer. This reader comment gets into this issue: Also, beware that fiber can in some cases be used as a trojan horse for small cell development. Its a part of the EMF spectrum that gets very little attention. As I mention above in the response to Marks comment, having a low-emission media converter, along with GPON fiber all the way to the home would be a great solution for everyone. Indeed, PLC communications can be quite problematic from an EMI perspective. I recommended Fiber optics as a solution because wireless infrastructure can have a debilitating effect on electrosensitive people and reduce their access to essential services. Because this is happening quickly, I dont know if I can wait for your other blog posts. body can absorb. Thanks Jeromy. WebThe process of installing fiber optic cables can result in the disturbance of the environment. Hopefully this article will help you understand and reduce an important source of EMI in your home the fiber optic internet infrastructure that is becoming common throughout our communities. This may reduce the EMI transmitted into your home and reduce the EMI created from the modem/router within your home. Is it usually on the outside or just everywhere? + the electrical wires are AC 90/BX and are laid according to a minimalist plan. I offered to loan him my RF detector so he can check his house. I would start with this grounding procedure (get the Ethernet ground adapter and the CAT-7 Ethernet cables): It started happening infrequently about the time I changed my internet to fiber (1 GiG upload/download) and after a few months it has become more frequent where im having the issue all throughout the day. You will want the Radio Shack AM radio model 12-467, 12-464 or older AM radio. I cannot say Thank You to you enough, Jeromy!! I fully intend to switch to a different Internet provider, as I am not satisfied with my current one. For example, I tried to copy and paste your fiber optics blog into a Word document so I could read it offline, but it came out to 73 pages since I wanted the comments too. All phones are 10 away from sleeping rooms walls. This page adheres to our medical and editorial policy and guidelines. Do you know if your internet provider is installing GPON or FTTC fiber? In most areas, even the most basic package is much faster than you will need to stream movies on Netflix or Amazon. I have a master's degree in engineering and had a successful career in Silicon Valley before I began to experience negative health effects from wireless technology and electrical pollution. Jeromy also does this type of work; see his page Fiber optic signals remain And, if you are moving to VoIP through a fiber modem (ONT device), that will surely add more EMI to your in-home landline phone. Now I limit my familys use of the internet since I have small kids. Again, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors. Thats because theres no solid evidence suggesting that Wi-Fi, or EMFs in general, directly causes cancer. You do want to check the fiber optic cable coming into your home for EMI. Thank you, too, for mentioning flicker sensitivity. I dont believe Ive heard of that. I steered our conversation into the electro-smog arena and he mentioned EMI as a concern he was already familiar with. Thank you so much, Jeromy. All of a sudden, I cant watch tv without being affected and couldnt sleep all night. Thus the observatory and aircraft are both government, they coordinate. (2018). There are two types of EMFs: ionizing and non-ionizing. That is a big if though at this time and most likely the stock media converter they give you is going to be produce a lot of EMI, which will then go on all the copper telephone wiring in your home (if that is all it is hooked up to). Total monetary compensation might vary from $31,000 to $74,000 in certain cases. In Illinois, where I live, if you are a homeowner and planning to do a renovation, you can call a number and they will put flags (different colors for different utilities) to show you where the lines are. My whole home is all wired and still my health is so effected from Fiber Optics that I am compromised by even being able to use my computer, my landline phone and my grounding mat cant be used anymore by grounding it outside because my lawn area is now compromised. The short answer is that it depends on what type of system they are putting in. To summarize, not all OSP fiber networks operate the same way, and what you are describing (HFC design) is rapidly being replaced by larger fiber cables and passive splitter systems (GPON) that operate with no power in between the optical laser at the signal point of origin to the media converter at the end user. I outline this process here: Im a teacher from Ontario, Canada. It was nice meeting you at the conference last week, looking forward to Octobers article! I have had to purchase their device and have them turn off WiFi. It will depend on the equipment they use. 0.1% of the time. I am just preparing to go to NBN optic fibre, as I have no choice. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified electromagnetic fields, especially from cell phones, as possibly carcinogenic. Noting that there could be some risk, the IARC concluded in 2011 that we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk." Thats because theres no solid evidence suggesting that Wi-Fi, or EMFs in general, directly causes cancer. It radiates at 10% of the power of a typical router when in use. An example is that of the power supply units for laptops, netbooks, induction charging docks for portables like phones and tablets, as well as the desktop, let alone the All-In-One (AIO) computers. This is separate from the 2011 assessment by the IARC, which labeled EMFs as possibly carcinogenic. The IARC is also part of WHO. to create fiber optic technologies which support accessibility needs for electrosensitive people around the world? Excessive signal loss due to a contaminated connector. You can do a search for cell towers and antennas here: Thanks Julia! Information on the bitrate systems and applications require should be made available, so as to aid selection of a suitable service. Would the phone companies know? (2019). These are invisible areas of energy that are produced by electricity and are often referred to as radiation. Some will be enclosed in a metal sheath or have a metal backbone. OR are their inherent technical considerations that make higher data rates inherently dangerous. Wi-fi allows devices to connect to the internet. Using your phone wont work. We believed that fibre optic was a safe option. Routers and electronic devices, such as cellphones, When your WiFi router transmits data, it emits EMFs that the The fiber converters that you will use with the fiber optic system in your home will have some EMI / electric fields. I have a hard time reading online, due to severe EHS. Thank you for the thoughtful update on the current fiber optic technology / installations. This is the best way to bring fiber to the home. Given our frequent contact with wave-emitting devices in the home, you may wonder whether EMFs. For a good primer on the 4 types of EMFs, read my book. Indeed, Ill be sending out an article about these 4G DAS small cells in San Francisco next month. I discuss this in more depth in this comment: Every cellular antenna on a light or utility pole needs a fiber connection to operate. Because fiber transmits signals via light instead of current, its immune to electromagnetic interference and ultimately thats a very good thing. they are always sending and receiving information, but these devices transmit just This is all leading up to a question: This O.N.T. So I went to the shed and turned off power supply to the ONT. I am happy to see this info regrading Fiber Optics because I am very ill from the installation of Fiber Optics underground wiring in my neighborhood (and the whole town) about 5 months ago. Hi, Im all for getting rid of cell towers and 5G and wifi etc etc but this article is just 100% BS. Ionizing radiation is high-level radiation, which is has the potential for cellular and DNA damage. Some forms of this type of EMF include ultraviolet (UV) rays and X-rays. The EMF Project is working on a health risk assessment of EMFs. You seem to have a better understanding of this than me. They just need to run it from the pole outside our gate and underneath the ground to our home. The next question will be how to design media converters in the customers home that do not put a lot of EMI both on the data (Ethernet) and electrical systems. Evidence of oxidative stress after continuous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation in rat model. Thanks. Last medically reviewed on June 22, 2021. Thanks for sharing your wisdom/insight. Electromagnetic fields and cancer. Is there a way for me to tell for sure? Thanks for your reply. This is really interesting. The Dream Canopy on this page is a good option when you are traveling around: Reducing EMI w/o Filters: Im not able to feel WiFi or smart meters. I am hopeful that we will eventually get this quite right. This will prevent EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure from conducting along the cable and telephone lines in your walls. Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood! As the great article you shared by Ms. Levitt points out, the powerful profiteers and their government lackeys do not care about us. Thanks for addressing this. There may also be an additional wireless component to that infrastructure. Im pretty sure its directly associated with the installation. 2) How do I find out where all the cell towers are in our area? It will be interesting to see if it helps me when Im on the phone! The other telephone line is copper only, so that it works when electricity is gone, sometimes 12 hours in winter by 0 F. So many people on YouTube addressing this issue dont really seem to know nearly as much as you do. I also know that it is best to use at bare minimum a CAT6 Shielded cable to reduce EMF emissions. with a Fluke, AEMC, Sperry, else? Disconnect the existing cable and telephone lines in your home from the cable provider. A few resources for you: 1.) WebFiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #1: Wildlife & Stray Animals Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #2: Weather & Natural Disasters Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #3: Intentional Damage Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #4: Construction Work Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #5: Fire Interested in our fiber optic services? According to the FDA, which relies on epidemiologic studies, public health surveillance data and supportive laboratory studies on cell phone radiation, theres no consistent or credible evidence of health problems caused by exposure to radiofrequency energy emitted by cell phones.. The underground cables are a big unknown. Going back to the coax cable from another provider, its shielded it turns out. I outline how to do that in steps 2-4 in this article: I will add to this in my next article where I show you how to install your own home fiber optic network between your modem and computer so that there is an EMI barrier between the Comcast data system and your laptop. (BTW, were in the States where misinformation and greed at the expense of safety abounds.). Very grateful for this piece of information. How did those brick phones work without cell towers? The more I can learn the more changes and preventative measures I can put in place to make our little world as safe and healthy as possible. Most neighborhoods wont have those until fiber optics are installed in the community. They blamed it on the power company. Devices that use WiFi have a wireless adapter that translates data sent into a radio signal. We are going to talk again once he gets up to speed. I responded with suggestions via email. But a 2018 study states that theres no clear association between EMFs and brain tumors. Where can I find information about whats best for switching back? (2014). Seems like moving is definitely a wise move. The technique exploited the variations in optical diffusion properties of the 1) If the Fiber Optics were installed right to my house, but not hooked up (leave the O.N.T. I was unable to learn whether it was a fixed ground based radar or an AWACS plane. I did so and the very second that the windows in my browser became active, I was hit by symptoms e.g. He said AT&T doesnt have records and wants to put in fiber on towns main road. Or should I move to a completely new complex As soon as possible? Yes I can see your point, but things are changing and lucky for all of us God is in charge and making changes and these will ultimately be part of the change. I need a land line too since cell phones bother me even more. I think you would still agree that fiber is much more energy efficient than wireless. Feel free to reach out to me to discuss so I can walk you through what to do in your home. just louder even when I used it for CD to play music. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. Optical fibers works on the principle of total internal reflection. Fiber optic cables have much higher bandwidth than copper twisted cables. Ex: L Passive splitters are rapidly replacing old hybrid fiber / coax systems that would have been placed on poles or in pedestals. Viruses spread from person to person through respiratory droplets. Check our solutions! All rights reserved. Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion, Additionally, these findings dont explicitly confirm that Wi-Fi causes cancer in humans. That surge has some doctors and researchers concerned that the daily bombardment of a variety of electromagnetic signals may increase our cancer risk. I love this. Perhaps the people who have contacted me with symptoms from fiber / high speed data systems had the older system you mention above in their communities. We'll tell you what you need to know. The main reason I want a smart phone is because I like to listen to podcasts and YT videos. Another, human cause better bandwidth and your neighboring houses are suddenly filled with more WiFi devices and repeaters. The router can then connect to dozens of devices if you want (all wired hopefully). And gonna pull out the cables from the house too & disconnect from that thing. (Optical Network Terminal) where it is connected to the existing wiring to allow existing landline services to function once transferred to the fiber network. Both are a part of a healthy diet that can help lower your cancer risk. But right now we are faced with the decision to consent or not to Fiber Optics at our house. This is so helpful- thank you! If not what rating of CAT cable would be best for the job in terms of limiting EMF radiation? Faulty connection to the patch panel. They never mentioned the MOA. Should You Be Worried About EMF Exposure? In new builds (if we wish to have wired, fiber optic Internet connections), would using a CAT9 cable help with lowering magnetic and/or electrical fields? If you check the category of locations and tools on that Facebook community you will find multiple tools to locate the towers and safe locations. Instead they are pushing VOIP.,,,,,,, How to Install Wired Internet in Your Home. I will certainly look into the website you shared. What model of modem should I look for to connect with iiNet ? You may not need 1,000 I have photocopies of letters from the telephone company to the power commission that they had measured 180 Volts AC on their telephone equipment. There is simply not much you can do in your present situation to shield or reduce this. It wouldnt be that hard to do in the case of EMI emissions. They are putting high amounts of EMI on the home data lines and electrical system. Question, I am doing everything possible to mitigate EMF as Im super sensitive. Perhaps ground the Ethernet connection before it gets to your TV, as I outline here: We got fiber optics installed They said it was low EMF. Otherwise, they are below ground. To a certain extent, this is unavoidable or needs to be filtered before coming into the home (see point #5 above). My view is it is best to err on the side of safety rather than to wait until one becomes ill. Effect of long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on testes functions. Do you think this is a problem? If you have questions about fiber optic cable bandwidth or wish to discuss an installation in Thus, their power supplies and operation can generate high amounts of wide-spectrum EMI (electromagnetic interference). The fiber optic communication and the routers themselves are the actual problem, its the type of switch mode power supplies many of them use. What do you think? How do I find out where the underground cables are? On the other hand, theres a big concern for the 5G connection on the air. This is how I work if you want to go that route: Oh, you have helped me immensely! Its definitely EMI, yet THEY say that optic fibre cant produce such, which is a pack of lies. My goal is to give you practical and effective EMF solutions that actually work. Not to confuse with wireless which is thousands of uW/m2. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Isnt wired fiber optic internet, which uses light to transmit large amounts of data at incredibly high speeds, supposed to be safer and healthier for everyone? While walking to bus stop asked a young man walking with a rolling measure tool what its for. I have no need of super high-speed InternetI just do light surfing, emailing, and would like to watch a few videos on YouTube from time to time. Theres concern that the radiation from Wi-Fi causes health issues like cancer. The residents are bathed in radar but dont realize where it is coming from. Server 2 provided a safe modem, TPG-Link VR1600V, and all wireless can be disabled. More research is needed to determine if radiation from Wi-Fi can lead to cancer. We must recognise the problem and seek mitigation through improved design. I have been so sick due to so much cable being installed. Fiberglass exposure can cause temporary eye, skin, lung, and nose irritation as well as stomach discomfort. Keep all food and beverages out of the work area. Julia- COVID-19, 5G conspiracies and infrastructural futures. I thought fiber optics would be cleaner! Cant remember exactly when those first cell phones came out but Im pretty sure these networks of cell towers didnt exist then. (2016). Unfortunately, the modem provided by your internet provider will often produce high amounts of EMI, along with WiFi. . Water damage to fiber optic cables causes significant attenuation and transmission deterioration. requires a 110v electrical outlet for power supply and also contains a battery backup of up to 6 hours. Strangely, my computer said internet access during all this time but windows open in the browser said there was no connection. I just got an AM radio, RadioShack 12-464, and am wondering if the feedback I hear is due to electric and magnetic fields as well as dirty electricity? Perhaps it follows the principle of fighting fire with fire? This uses no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. His career goal is to improve treatment for patients with these cancers through basic, translational and clinical investigation. I have the lowest bandwith and find it to be adequate for my needs. Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. Hi Jeromy, thank you for everything you do, and thank you for personally answering my email the other day, amazing!!!! It is not known to cause cancer. I have experienced what you are going through. The effect of Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves in unimodal and multimodal object recognition tasks in male rats. When it comes to wireless routers, it is often assumed that computers and laptops, and Bluetooth devices (such as wireless headphones) emit Here is a demo where I show that there is EMI on the ground wire of a home electrical system: Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit. We employ a strict editorial process to ensure that what you read is factually correct. Eventually well have products that are designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. I see! 8.) World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Your Guide to Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Its Treatment, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. They are currently drilling on my street for fiber optic wiring (for upcoming 5G), all underground, installing boxes every few houses to split the wires, including a box on our lawn. Most traditional routers support FTTP-enabled internet connection, but cannot efficiently handle the high-speed data transmission of fibre optic technology. Is there ANYTHING I can do? I am absolutely not opposed to thatyou should not have to offer all your knowledge and time without proper imbursement. We once vacationed in a place where the phone was cable-based and the box with battery backup was located in my Mothers bedroom. I used an AM radio to detect EMI and found the most EMI was coming from the modem, which is grounded following your instructions and is an Arris TM 7222G/NU with no Wi-Fi capacity. 4) I have read that the Fiber Optic cable itself does not emit EMFs. As I mention in the article above, there are ways to reduce any EMI coming into your home. Evaluation of mobile phone and cordless phone use and glioma risk using the Bradford Hill Viewpoints from 1965 on association or causation. Hello Jeromy, is there a meter that can tell me how much dirty electricity my cable modem is pumping into my power lines? I have a wired modem but I am suddenly having such a difficult time being on my computer. What are your symptoms? I will check with a friend that cables Telecom, what they are installing here out of the doors and at home for optic fiber. I have been affected by EMF since last fall and have changed several things in my home based on your recommendations. Grateful we are getting you closer to a healthier computing setup. WiFi uses radio waves to provide network connectivity. However, it is a major contributor to electrical sensitivity and poor health. You could have a low-SAR phone, but still have non-thermal biological effects. Yes, if you remind me about your purchase, I will send you the updated version. Vila J, et al. Looking forward to the next article. 4.) In some instances, the signals are simply slowed down and degraded, but in others, the signals arent able to pass through the fiber optic cables at all. Green Bank WV, Electrical Sensitivity Community. Thanks for your comment Dave. In effect they are all just light and glass from the ISP to the customer. Reach out to me via email if you have any specific questions. Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach. WebAlthough Fiber internet can be incredibly fast, there are some drawbacks to consider as well. (2017). (2018). Then there is no harm at all. Although AT&T will probably stop maintaining the DLS lines when our community fully converts to fiber. My question is how do I do a fiber optics system that will act as barrier for my condo since I cannot change the internet connection in the apartment complex. Its not so much of where the cables are located (they are generally out at the street, either on poles or underground). My name is Jeromy Johnson. If you experience increased electrical sensitivity at your computer after high-speed fiber optics are installed in your neighborhood, consider installing your own fiber optic system between your cable modem and computer. Therefore, we have no smart meter, and zero WiFi in our home. Watch Generation Zapped about the beginnings of cell towers. Many internet providers are now starting to install fiber to the home using GPON technology (Gigabit Passive Optical Network). Glad the low-EMF steps are working well for you. I responded with some ideas in an email to you. Can do in the disturbance of does fiber optic internet cause cancer power of a healthy diet that can me. Turn off WiFi that the daily bombardment of a typical router when in use to play music UV ) and... 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does fiber optic internet cause cancer