This can cause misfortune. The upward or branched lines can indicate that an individual has overcome some of life?s roadblocks through his or her own determination. Generally speaking, a pentagram is a five-pointed star, enclosed in a . Jena. So I came across this site and thought I would ask. yes please Robert to probably it is a fame (potential) indicator Ami, time to be more creative to unlock that side of you.. Hi Jena, thanks for the article. I have read your previous posts also and trying to learn this art of reading hand lines. There are three sections to this finger, each one represents elements of the subject's personality. How are you ?? Seen a six pointed star. Summary Palmistry is a approach that research the form of the hand, fingers and strains in the palm of your hand. Many who have asked for my take have, based on their personal subjective experience, psychology and beliefs, their own specific very personal version of what their pentagram symbol means for them. Super Computer head line. I have M sign or two fishes underneath my right Apollo finger and a K sign on my Left Apollo finger. Interesting story Sophie. I have combined all of your techniques and tried reading my friends hand and I was quite successful. Your early and later years are happiest and the most problem free. Wrist The wrist is one of the most common places for people to get stars tattooed. What I can do for you though, is point good luck. the intersecting lines with a dot of blue ink lol we all have that there at least i do my kids wife my sisters brother mom and dad lol. The 5 pointed pentagram pattern is like an interstellar stargate through which to "travel"; it triggers images, metaphors, colours, sensations and impressions. Copyright 2011 - 2021 Psychic Library, LLC. The Jupiter Finger. your palm, but the star is not visible clearly..But in my case I have a clear five pointed star inscribed in a clear circle and within the star there You should take extra care over your health, and if you are someone who likes to live life on the edge, try to slow down when you start getting on in years. Breaks in the major or minor lines can represent . You seem to have a high level and become successful in specific fields. You tend not to be as robust as the average person, and the slightest of viruses can bowl you over. Also known as your index finger, this digit tells us about our leadership qualities, ego and abilities, as well as how strong our need for power will be. 5 Finger Pull Back. Whether you're an aspiring palm reader or just looking for a fun way to impress your friends, we've got you covered. For example, spatulate finger tips. Legend has it that an oracle predicted that the next man driving an ox cart into the city of Phrygia would be its king. time to get out into the spotlight! The meaning was no better, though. My index finger is missing due to an accident. Generally, hands and/or fingers are associated with creativity, power, war, etc., and many death-related superstitions naturally involve the hand (s). ask yourself why is my life suddenly working? If you have a star present on the Jupiter mount that is below the index finger, it is considered to be the most auspicious sign. A five pointed star,a six pointed star or an eight-pointed star in palmistry will give more or less the same positive results,and strengthens the qualities associated with any mounts. These star lines are considered to be auspicious or inauspicious, subject to the location on the palm but they are mostly auspicious. There are chances that you may meet with an accident or even have an accidental injury. Do Note: The bigger the star, the more auspicious it is. I have both. Keep sharing more. All content copyright 2023,, i too have a star on the center of my right hand. Transverse markings are negative symbols. Whats the meaning of that? In general Apollo mythology (the interpretation of any marker on or under the ring finger ) is about being seen or fear of showing up/being in the spotlight, being the favourite son. Is this true? Send a pic. It is believed to bring good fortune in threes and the person will be happy, healthy and wealthy in life. The Star of David. Pentagram (5 pointed star with one point up, usually depicted within a circle) - If you are speaking of what a lot of folks refer to as a wiccan star then we have a whole different meaning. or listen to this interview I did with the author on PRI method They might also be warning signs of danger in an individual?s life?s path. Those with this indication on their palm should learn to be happy with their lot; otherwise they will be constantly dissatisfied. Hi Jena, Physics questions and answers. With a good Head Line, this suggests acquisition of status and honour. Ive had it since ever I was 16. How to Attract All the Blessings of Heaven, Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for March 2023, Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for February 2023, Significant Spiritual Days for March 2023, Always Look After The Feng Shui of Your Front Door. In hands, they might be seen as a sign of a spiritual initiate who enjoys deep intimacy with God consciousness and who has affinity with nature and the 4 elements of matter; earth, water, fire and air. The pentagram can be circled or not. The index finger is one of the most used fingers of the hand, especially when people are having to . 2 Draw a straight line at an upward angle to the left. Thanks, I got simian line . But you are also the kind who has to love when they are doing, or you could lose interest before getting anywhere. Seems like you Hi, I have a star on the right hand and many lines that go towards it. Mary sounds like you need to get out into the spotlight in a big way, I have a tail star on the bottom of the ring finger what does it indicates. Apart from this, you are also intelligent, wise or even quick-minded by nature. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It also indicates success in relationships. You can also learn more about this and all other markers in my annual hand analysis foundation classes. Apollo star is under ring finger. Would you volunteer to leave earth with Aliens? I dnt knw how to post the pic here. The stars have varied auspicious or inauspicious implications subject to the location on the palm but mostly auspicious. Crosses are an indication of long-lasting problems. When you feel betrayed or double crossed in love, you have the ability to enact revenge to sooth your jealousy. You are an ambitious person, and although somewhat a social climber, you know how to put your contacts to good use to elevate yourself in life. Breaks going toward the thumb can indicate a new direction in a career. Mai, what do you love to do that youre good at? Life will tend to be full of challenges and obstacles. Steven, maybe turns pessimism into creative act? With a star being on your palm under Apollo is that different oppose to it being up top like in the picture shown?? It has also become a symbol of fame or "stardom" in Western culture, among other uses. When this Five Elements Seal, being of an odd number, is applied over the Four Symbols Seal, being of an even number, the Four Symbols Seal is disrupted because of the oddeven imbalance. In turn take each point and fold it in half so that the point of the inner pentagon meets the centre of the pentagon. Grilles signify interruptions in a person?s advancement. We are certainly free as Christians to utilize five-pointed stars on or in our houses, as I have seen many people do on their homes. Venus, Hi i am a little bit confused. Step 9. Do not lift your pencil from the paper until you are finished. Choose what information you would like to have from Jena. They indicate someone who will be successful and achieve their goals. As recently as few months ago, a clear star sign with a line circling the left half of the star has emerged on the mount of Sun. The five pointed star pose is one of the most basic yoga poses. For some, yes, its a pictorial symbol, interesting, but completely meaningless. There is a sort or a wierd tripple triangle/almost star (to theright and down) of the six pointed star, but still on the Apollo mount. A trident on the palm is a very lucky marking. 1 of 9. However, a star appearing on the life line can represent turmoil. It also suggests that you seem to achieve a lot at work. I am right-handed. You tend to move in circles above your own social class and status, and your friends and acquaintances are only too happy to lift you up to their level. Acute . It also represents deep disappointment in a relationship. Have you ever seen this mark before and what do you think it means? If you have the star on the heart line, then there are chances that you would undergo a sudden illness. Hey I found this article very informative I need your opinion as I have three stars (Jupiter star, Saturn Star and sun star) on my palm what does that mean? It is a bad sign, as this is one of the clearest indications of misfortune. I have sent you and email with pics of both hands, I must admit that this has puzzeld me recently when I have looked at my hands. It signifies you may become a victim of dishonesty and betrayal. Seen a star. Jupiter star is under index. Let's see the implications of stars at different locations on the palm. Its definitly not a 'definite' feature then, and in that case, its pretty meaningless. 1 in 100000 people? Amongst many symbolic associations, pentagrams in ancient times were symbols for the 5 senses and the 5 natural elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The hamsa (Arabic: , romanized: khamsa) is a palm-shaped amulet popular throughout North Africa and in the Middle East and commonly used in jewellery and wall hangings. Few years ago, I had very strong inner calling a need for action to step into spotlight. All content copyright 2023, Commonly, one point sticks upwards, while two go left and right and two stick out from the bottom. Its between head line and life line and its connected to head line. My son Liam (5) has a star on his left palm but like teal pentagram. this post is about Apollo stars. I have changed the color grades of an actual image to help you understand the concept of well marked star in a better way. If you have such a sign on your palm, it is wise not to be overly trusting, especially of strangers. Psychic palm readers may feel invited to ascribe and to discuss possible meanings for the esoteric symbol in the persons hand. You should work at keeping your temper under control, or you could end up the biggest loser. Feel the grounding energy in the feet and legs to the expansiveness through the arms, hands and upper . Listed below are the important markings that can appear on the palm of the hand, along with their general meanings. Star sign on the head line represents insanity or mental paralysis. As i explained since several years with little people attention. Good or bad is simply subjective interpretation. But one point upwards in a left palm might aspect a natural Merlin who uses his magical skills in positive ways. Honestly, I still don't see it in the second pic. Dots can represent concerns about ill health, relationships or another type of destructive experience.? Lets see an actual six pointed star formed on the mount of Jupiter. I want to have nothing to do with a more known life in this world for which I was striving until a few years ago because striving for fame felt like a need. It would support your intuition about him. And I have been dying to go out in the world of artists. If you want an image I can send you an image. How the interpretation of the star changes with precise location and hand shape. It always increases the qualities of the lines or mounts it appears on. This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Navjot Mehta Silver 1 Rank 1000 Points; Apail Kapoor Silver 2 Rank 622 Points; Ps Murthy Silver 3 Rank 546 Points; Dinesh Silver 4 Rank 515 Points; Jyoti Silver 5 Rank 515 Points; Nihar Ranjan . Early march critical planatary earthquake lineups. Five-pointed star.svg. It may also have evolved from the mysterious Seal of Solomon (five-pointed star) that was used in the ancient world as a talisman. But I dont know is it my right way? Thanks. When The Star Is Below The Little Finger If you have a star below your little finger, then it means that you are lucky regarding being rich. One may also be continually exhausted by various anxieties and annoyances. I have starbursts on both Apollo mounts. I think I have a Apollo star but wanted to confirm with you ,So please let me know how to send the Pic to you. and is drawn clearly. If you have a star on the life line, it predicts that you seem to have physical problems at some point in time. (ie if you divided the Apollo mount into 4 quadrants, that would be the moon region, lower and away from thumb.) You may attract friends who only want to be close to you to get something out of you. By pressing or massaging these trigger points, chronic pain or illness can be addressed. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Step beyond worrying what friends or family or others might think. Markings on the palms, like slashes, stars and grilles. Plus I dont want my potential and gifts go in vain. This will help you stop getting in your own way so you can unlock your gifts. File history. Here are some close ups of what this star looks like.Apollo star close up You are not a person to be trifled with, and you tend to have little patience with frivolity. La 5 pointed star or tips, is a type of graphic that is part of a writing style recognized worldwide. Karin, if the missing point of the star is the one that would normally point towards the middle finger (Saturn) then work and discipline is what is missing, Could u send me your email. More about the different spurs of the star and what they mean. Lotus Sign (Kamal Chinha) is a 6-8 pointed sign that looks just like 5-6 pointed star. Your email address will not be published. It can also indicate character and tendencies of a person. This sign means that you are a smart individual who has a good understanding of leading and management qualities. last 3 months now, and I have been seekin answers from palmists and astrologers whose answers I was not satisfied with..I couldnot find any other They can also indicate problems in the area of health. They take away the strength and deplete the positive energy of the line or mount they are found on. If you have a star below your little finger, then it means that you are lucky regarding being rich. It is predicted that if you have the star at the end of the fate line, then it means that you are blessed in your career, and there are chances that you will achieve a lot. I am a highly creative individual myself with my life purpose marked by whorls on both ring fingers (plus at least one of my pinkies one pinkie whorl is a slight variant). . Rajesh, Im not sure I can visualize this accurately. Here's what a palm guru site online says: Pentagram" - A very rare marking formed by the confluence of the Head Line, Life Line, Fate Line and Money Line, which clearly marks the sign of a Pentagram in the palm of the hand. Its actually more of a 5 pointed star not sure, please let me know how I cant contact you. I did try to act upon it but living in a society where people are jealous of you just for being you or your mere existence then they try to drag you down through rumors & bad propaganda about you as a person giving rise to notoriety instead of good fame. why not get this book, Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Tassels, also known as frayed lines, when found on the palm indicate confusion or chaos about a particular situation or problem. Many A normal index finger length is indicated when the tip reaches the middle of the . But now, you have to understand your human condition.About it, i load sometimes a few english videos on youtube for explanations. I dont understand what to make out of it. A beginning is important at any stage in life; I have been the bearer of a five pointed star for the whole of my waking life, for as long as I can remember it has always been there. It is formed by the heart line, head line and life line. Pull back on your fingers as you extend your elbow straight. In gratitude and thanks to Zeus, he then tied his ox cart to a column using an intricate knot. its just kinda weird hehe, Hey there, I just joined this website as a google search brought me to this thread. People who have this marking are also known to be trustworthy, and they make generally good companions and business associates. The thumb has a crown, the index with a star, the middle finger with a sun, the ring finger with a lantern, and the pinky with a key. Cut on the angle as shown in the picture (from point C, through the intersection of the fold lines from step 7, to the left edge). hey. You can see lines of almost equal lengths (yellow color) radiating from a well defined center.Closer the star towards the life line and the head line,sooner will be the gratification of desires and ambitions. Ive always wanted to become an actress, way before I knew about that star or anything. There is an idealistic and positive attitude associated with these lines. What does it mean? . For other intuitively orientated like myself, there is more to this 5 pointed star than just meets the eye. Name. How to draw a five-pointed star slideshow. The downward or branched lines can represent times in which a situation has gotten out of control for the person. This issue, we focus on another shape the STAR which indicates different things depending on where it occurs on the palm. Zelensky Wants US Boots on The Ground In Ukraine, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses re-election bid as city battles crime epidemic, Airline pilots flying massive amounts of tamiflu and paravimir treatments for bird flu, Virginia Fairfax County school board member calls Battle of Iwo Jima evil, Gavin Newsom Ends California COVID Mandate Without Fanfare, Help! I have always had a lot of attention and people drawn to me, even when being silent and trying to blend in. How do you want to feel? They signify negative indications and represent problems and adjustments. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies and Privacy Policy. They can indicate pessimism, unhappiness, negative energy and losses. and one who is a psychic who has helped out law enforment in the past find people told me not to worry about it as it is a symbol of protection. higher up. Thanks so much for sharing. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. It is said to be a symbol of honour and influence and a promising mark for being destined for great things. If you work hard at your craft, you have the ability to rise to the very top of your chosen profession. I took this dream to be perhaps suggesting something about the soul who had just come to us and his potential. It is when the major lines cross over in the center of the palm. Its all very interesting to me how palm lines Some people may have several vertical lines in different sections of the palm. Other resolutions: 510 480 pixels | 816 768 pixels | 1,088 1,024 pixels | 2,176 2,048 pixels. You will do well married to a partner who has the opposite tendency to you. I hope the u2 I sent will explain those things. Hi I hv 8 pointed star on left palm right on Apollo mount am 26 nothing big good happens yet waiting and trying, I have a five pointed star in my left hand.ill try to attach a picture. Always ask yourself, how does this interpretation make me feel? From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. It also represents PHI or the Golden Rule of the Universal Law in which all nature and humans must live by to evolve. Raise your palm and fist a few inches up. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. All the stuff I see is for a star formation, not a pentagram. You are a gambler at heart and like to dare big, but you are not always a good loser. Curl your other hand into a fist with your thumb pointingg up. I would like to confirm that does my hand has a star or not. Gordia, then just a poor peasant, drove into the city and priests declared him as king. What could this mean? can show and represent many things. adding extra sensitivity and emotional imagination to the mix. Thanks, Auspicious Signs and Symbols in Palmistry, meanings of spot or moles on lines in palm, what your hands color say about your health & fate, Presence of a star on the right side of my palm, 2 stars on mount of jupiter and one star on or close to sun/apollo line, Star between my life line and fate line on my left hand. Nice to know my path is supported! On top of it on his right palm there is LIAM written with lines in correct order:). Hi, about it mainly because of a memory from before my birth. I have a fish sign, a star and a cross on apollo mount. Step 8. While you can rise up in the ranks when it comes to your work and your career, you do not have to sacrifice family life to get there. Comparatively rare in classical heraldry, it was notably introduced for the flag of the United States in the Flag Act of 1777 and since has become widely used in flags.. In this video, a palmistry expert demonstrates where to find the conjure star on your own hands. Please note:The star should not be too small or too big where the electric light or energy produced by the star formation becomes extremely high to handle the ambitions. Thanks. 5-pointed star! There is one oblique line starting from the middle of the upper stroke of the rotated-v, going towards mount of mercury. Even when you highlighted it, I still didn't really see it. I do have a picture of this apollo star it is approx one inch long, I have stars all over my palms. Readers who sense through right-brained, divergent lens of perception may feel an invitation from source to receive a download of information. I am having a coincidence! I have 5 pointed stars on my hands, but I never made anything of it. Join points A and C, crease, and unfold. Often the terms Pentacle and Pentagram are used interchangeably, but there is a slight difference between the two. The Peek-a-boo Hand Sign. In my 5th book, Palmistry Signs & Symbols on the Mounts, Ive shared images and more specific meanings for pentagrams in the 4 positions Ive observed them; on the Plain of Mars, on upper Venus, on lower Mars and on Sun mounts. Dots are not always well pronounced on the palm ? [1] Method 1 Learning the Five Pointed Star Pose 1 2 Star Hands. Apart from this, you are good at management and have leading skills. They can also represent significant and monumental events that have created crisis in a person?s life. please tell me , i have small circle under the ring finger and the pointed star with long offshoots one goes to the mount of the jupiter and other off shoot move towards the mount of mercury .. and also have the triagle with sister lines on the mount of apollo.. square is also present above or below the heart line. It sounds like a half formed Apollo star. (ie further away from thumb?) Most I have spoken too , being wiccan and some who are numberologist 2" by Beatrix Kiddoto kill Bill. Reach out and show your courage. For some, the lack of a circle represents the star's awareness or activity level being Click to visit Then unfold the small piece. , These are lines in my hand , they To learn more about Palmistry, visit the Palmistry Room. Acts 7:43 - Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the STAR OF YOUR GOD REMPHAN, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. I am a writer. You are not made for life in the rough, and tend to prefer living in large cities when you have instant access to all the mod cons. You can be something of a snob, and prefer to mix with your own social status, sometimes looking down on others. In medieval Arab and Jewish occultism, the pentangle of Solomon is a talisman that has power of exorcising demons. on stage or doing group work or offering courses or seminars. For each instruction for Five Pointed Star Pose Arms Up, you can also view corresponding yoga sequence to understand how the pose would flow with other yoga poses. They also represent changes in one?s life. The ring finger and the region underneath it is named after Apollo, the Greek god associated with creativity, artistic perfection, showmanship and display. wouild not you want to know what it means as well?..No weirdness involved with this as it just appeared. You can easily incorporate this pose into a workplace yoga break routine, or teach it to kids to help them relax and unwind. It suggests you have great recognition luck. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. the center of my palm. Sometimes gift markers appear on childrens hands when one parent isnt inhabiting the gift, eg healer. The veins in the back of my right hand form a 5 pointed star, & I have always been curious Blessings.. How can I send you a picture of what I believe is a star under my ring finger for confirmation? your kind response is needed. But how do hand readers look at this coincidental convergence of lines? The spiral was used thousands of years before today's New Age healers use it in Reiki to remove and put in energy. And a big fate line from the wrist right upto the top. Furthermore,there is a presence of unique formation of loop in between the Saturn finger and the Jupiter finger which I have explained in this article. Hi! Palm reflexology works on the premise, and if one knows what points of the hand correspond with the pain, they can press or massage that point once or twice a day to relieve pain or remove discomfort. Apollo star in right Hand My right hand has both M and X together in one, M at the top and X in the middle. Can you kindly explain how can I benefit from it? The 5 pointed pentagram pattern is like an interstellar stargate through which to travel; it triggers images, metaphors, colours, sensations and impressions. Cart into the city and priests declared him as king better way sections of the 5 pointed star on palm of hand stroke the. 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